
朱树杰先生 Mr. Peter Chu


赵小凤女士 Ms. Tammy Jue




Mr. Peter Chu is the founder and honorary president of Global Women Federation of Commerce of Canada (GWFCC) and he had served five consecutive terms of Mrs. Global Chinese Pageant’s chief director.

Mr. Chu is a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has won the Outstanding Youth Award, Outstanding Entrepreneur Award and other numerous awards. Including the Community and Corporate Achievement Award in 2008 from Stephen Harper, the former Prime Minister of Canada. He also received “Honorary Doctor” title in 2013 from Richmond Hospital Foundation. Mr. Chu has been in the paper manufacture and printing industry for over 40 years in China, Hog King, and Canada. He was the honorary president and consultant of numerous organizations, including the Hong Kong Corrugated Paper Manufacturers’ Association, the Printing Technology Association of China, China Print Press, and Sunbrite Lunar New Year Festival, etc. He also organized many large-scale events. Mr. Chu is now actively engaging philanthropy and contributing to the communities.



Ms. Tammy Jue is the President of the Global Women Federation of Commerce of Canada;  Chairman of the Global Chinese Wives Competition; Founder of Tammy's Beauty Center; Vice President of the Jinan University Alumni Association of Canada; General Secretary of North American Economic and Trade Association; Vice President of the Association of Travel Culture Worldwide; She served as co-chairman of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Alliance of Chinese Association; Vice President of the Chinese University Alumni Association; Vice President of the Vancouver Chinese Women Association of Commerce; and Vice President of the Guangzhou Cultural Economic and Trade Association.

Ms. Jue has been engaged in the beauty industry for 30 years. She is a professional anti-aging expert and senior international medical beauty authority, senior stylist beauty therapist, body therapist, fashion, stage and film makeup consultant and mentor. She has won the Canadian Outstanding Woman's Achievement Award and the Entrepreneurship Achievement Award. She was awarded the Certificate of Community and Corporate Achievements Commendation by Stephen Harper, the former Prime Minister of Canada in 2008.  And Richmond Honorary Doctor Award in 2014. Ms. Tammy Jue was appointed as a senior makeup artist and guest by many TV and radio stations and she served as a judge for various competitions. She is enthusiastic about social welfare activities and services and has been contributing back to the community for many years.



  1. 为慈善公益机构筹款
  2. 促进各国经济与旅游事业的发展
  3. “一带一路”弘扬我们5000年的中华文化
  4. 给社区提供一个多元文化而有意义的活动
  5. 帮助太太们创业就业,提高自信,走向社会
  6. 为社会和家庭默默奉献的女士表示诚挚的感谢
  7. 帮助青少年义工,让他们学习更多知识,积累社会经验



学习8个课程,包括: 美容养颜,日妆及晚妆, 怎样做一个有魅力自信的女人, 社交礼仪, 走T台, 舞蹈 , 口才, 眼神等课程。还可以体验驾驶小型飞机 。其中符合条件者将有机会参加维多利亚电影娱乐公司制作的电影和电视演出,与好莱坞Hollywood明星同台演出,冠军可以成为环球华裔太太大赛的爱心亲善大使。了解中华文化精髓和礼仪,唤醒自己潜能,提升自信心,活出精彩人生。  


  • 妇女能顶半边天,妇女是五千年中华民族的重要组成部分,没有中华妇女就没有完整的中华文化。中华文化博大精深,国粹书法、武术、京剧、茶道、刺绣、汉服、旗袍、中医值得我们全球华人骄傲与自豪。所以学习中华文化精髓及礼仪是非常重要的。
  • 环球华裔太太大赛以弘扬与传承五千年的中华文化为已任,让太太们绽放她们的美丽与风采,让她们更优雅、更自信、更有爱心、更健康、传递正能量,担当起对社会、民族和中华儿女的责任心与使命感。


  •   环球华裔太太大赛非简单意义上的赛事活动,而是选美与公益献爱心同行的一个国际性赛事。
  • 参与企业更注重公益色彩,重品牌的美誉度,彰显企业的社会责任。
  • 太太是家庭的灵魂, 改变太太就等于改变一个家族。
  • 帮助太太们创业就业,学习8个课程,增强自信,从家庭走出社会。


  • 环球华裔太太大赛随着赛事的开展,“美丽赛事” 带来“美丽经济”。 环球华裔太太竞选盛事有巨大的吸引力和影响力,国际性赛事、全球盛典,引领国内外商业潮流,成就品牌新高度;盛会超越名模及小姐选美的局限,已婚女性所涵盖所有家庭,儿童,衣食住行等消费产品的持续商业价值。大赛现全球招商,不但为合作企业带来可观的经济效益,提升其品牌形象,提高其知名度和美誉度;大会集合各地精英人士,精心打造品牌效应,创意无限,品牌“直飞”专用通道,与华太盛事强强联合,实现双赢。
  • “环球华裔太太大赛” 得到众多媒体的大力支持。历时近半年的赛程,广泛的媒体宣传,深入的主题活动,赞助方与环球华裔太太的美丽牵手将永远载入环球华裔太太华贵历程的史册,成为彼此永远的事业伙伴,使赞助方形成一笔长远珍贵的品牌无形资产。







电话:(778)882-6888, (604)821-0638

